Advise - significado y definición. Qué es Advise
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Qué (quién) es Advise - definición


¦ verb
1. recommend (a course of action).
offer advice to.
2. inform about a fact or situation.
adviser (also advisor) noun
ME: from OFr. aviser, based on L. ad- 'to' + visere, frequentative of videre 'to see'.
1) to advise strongly
2) (D; tr.) to advise about, on
3) (d; intr., tr.) to advise against (to advise smb. against a course of action)
4) (formal) (d; tr.) to advise of (to advise smb. of the facts)
5) (G) who advised making that statement.
6) (H) she advised us not to wait
7) (K) who advised his making that statement.
8) (L; must have an object) she advised us that we should leave
9) (Q; must have an object) he advised us what to do
I. v. a.
Counsel, admonish, suggest, recommend to, give counsel to, give advice to.
Inform, acquaint, apprise, notify, make known to, give notice to, send word to, write word to.
II. v. n.
Confer, consult, deliberate, take counsel, hold a conference.



ADVISE (Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement) is a research and development program within the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Threat and Vulnerability Testing and Assessment (TVTA) portfolio. It is reportedly developing a massive data mining system, which would collect and analyze data on everyone in the United States and perform a "threat analysis" on them. The data can be anything from financial records, phone records, emails, blog entries, website searches, to any other electronic information that can be put into a computer system. This information is then analyzed, and used to monitor social threats such as community-forming, terrorism, political organizing, or crime.

ADVISE will possess the ability to store one quadrillion data entities.

The exact scope and degree of completion of the program is unclear. ADVISE is in the 2004-2006 Federal DHS Budget as a component of the $47 million TVTA program.

The program was officially scrapped in September 2007 after the agency's internal Inspector General found that pilot testing of the system had been performed using data on real people without required privacy safeguards in place.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Advise
1. that I would advise.
Your Role in Fighting Cybercrime _ Theresa Payton _ Talks at Google
2. now advises or used to advise that children
The Future of Happiness _ Amy Blankson _ Talks at Google
3. I advise designers
4. here to advise people.
Wisdom@Work - The Making of a Modern Elder _ Chip Conley _ Talks at Google
5. I advise other NGOs.
Effective Development Work _ Nelson Mattos + More _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Advise
1. DOCTORS advise against its excessive consumption.
2. The Greenspan approach would advise great caution.
3. Although it doesn‘t mention ADVISE by name, the proposal outlines data–technology research that meshes closely with technology cited in ADVISE documents.
4. Firms are being hired to advise on outsourcing, to manage change, to set up IT systems, to advise on advertising and communications and to conduct polls and surveys.
5. They are Baroness Neuberger, who was Britain‘s second female rabbi and will advise on volunteering, and Lord Lester, who will advise on constitutional reform.